Here you will find what is available through our app

HyperMove primary intention remains towards promoting mental and physical health and to achieve this, we have come up with two unique gamify models.

Play-To-Earn (P2E)

HyperMove aims to provide all the eligible and interested gamers around the world an additional opportunity to earn cryptocurrencies passively as they game in a decentralised environment.

Unlike the Traditional gaming model, P2E is a seamless method of gaming as it is a product of blockchain that primarily focuses on providing users with decentralised and equity centric opportunities to game as well as earn while playing.

Through this, HyperMove aims towards enhancing the mental health of the gamers around the world as well as provide them with an additional method to earn for their daily living.

Utilising the HyperMove app, users will be able to play exciting games and earn cryptocurrencies as well as In-game Assets in the form of NFT’s which can be further traded/exchanged/sold for real world money.

Move-To-Earn (M2E)

HyperMove App would make it easier for users around the globe to earn as they improve their fitness by carrying out their daily activities such as moving around, walking, jumping etc.

HyperMove, through its platform would offer tremendous opportunities for users to earn as they exercise by just logging into the app before doing their daily activities.

Isn’t earning for doing our basic daily activities great?

M2E would revolutionize the way people look at exercise and fitness activities as HyperMove would pioneer into rewarding them for carrying out their daily activities in the form of cryptocurrencies and Non-fungible tokens.

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